On many new homes, a keyless garage entry system is often automatically installed. It provides a convenient method of entering into your home and an added layer of security to protect it. However, if you do not have a keyless garage entry you may be wondering whether or not you should install one. This relatively inexpensive system often provides a great solution for easy, secure access to your garage.
One of the main benefits of a keyless garage entry system is convenience. While most homes today have an automatic garage door system, dead batteries and lost remotes are frequently problematic when it comes to opening your garage door. With a keyless garage entry system, you never have to worry about losing your remote of having insufficient power to your batteries. With a keyless garage door entry system, you can get into your home without a problem because the keypad provides immediate entry.
Another benefit of a keyless garage entry system is being able to set temporary codes. Company coming in town, packages being delivered, having someone care for your home or pets while you are on vacation – all of these can be made more convenient by setting a temporary code. You can give a temporary code to family members, friends, visitors, neighbors, and even the delivery service with no worry that someone else could enter your home. Once your package has been delivered, your company has left, or you are home from vacation, you can deactivate the temporary code.
For families with children who like to go play with their neighbors, a security code on your keyless garage entry can allow your children easy access to your home. This is especially convenient during inclement weather, where children can enter through the garage and dispose of their muddy, wet, or dirty clothes before they tramp through the house. It also provides easy entry for them when they come home with their bikes, scooters, or other gear that is stored inside the garage.
A keyless garage entry provides convenient, simple, and safe access to your garage. It is simple to install and easy to use. If you would like more information about how to update or secure your garage, please contact HABPRO Garage Doors today.