How often you tune up your garage door and its components depend significantly on how well you want it to operate. A frequent tune-up means your garage door and opener get the attention and lubrication it needs to continue operating quietly at a high level—while prolonged periods without a tune-up put your garage door and its moving parts at risk of damage and premature wear.
Your garage door takes a lot of daily wear and tear, opening and closing. Perhaps, like you, it hates getting up in the morning. However, instead of having coffee and waking up gradually, it must open when you push the button.
Extreme temperatures affect the components’ lubrication, and worn-out weather stripping will allow cold or hot air into your garage.
Unlike your car, truck or van, your garage door or opener will not warn you with a light on the dashboard that it is time for a tune-up. There is no measure for how often your garage door opens and closes, even though those numbers will affect your door’s operation and how quietly it opens and closes.
Rather than trying to measure use, most homeowners schedule a 15-point inspection and tune-up semi-annually with the HABPRO Garage Door professionals.
The Winter Season Garage Door Tune-Up
The professionals at HABPRO will perform our 15-point inspection and tune up for homeowners and commercial enterprises prior to the weather getting too cold.
This inspection covers every aspect of the garage door and opener’s operations to ensure functionality, lubrication and safety. Frayed or worn cables could leave you trapped inside your garage or your car outside in the cold.
No one wants to go outside in the morning to a cold car. Sometimes, we take for granted the warmth and comfort of our garage. Until we can’t open the door to get in the garage.
Weatherstripping is another thing we often take for granted. Many do not even give it a second thought. However, in pristine condition, it keeps extreme weather conditions, critters and bugs out of the garage. Moreover, weather stripping is an inexpensive solution for energy savings. A quick change once a year is cost-effective and can save your home or commercial enterprise hundreds per year in energy costs.
Those energy savings do not begin to compare to ceiling and wall insulation, but the value is comparable with the cost. Simply installing a new weather strip during your one tune-up per year will keep wind and rain from coming in through the seams around the garage door.
Plus, a new threshold on the garage door’s bottom will maintain cool or warm conditions in your garage. Drafts or moisture in your garage will allow mold and mildew growth to start.
The Homeowner D-I-Y Garage Door Tune-Up
Homeowners and business maintenance should conduct a few simple checks in spring while the weather is still cool or call the HABPRO professionals for a 15-point inspection.
This simple check will determine whether everything is working as it should or are some repairs necessary.
For the homeowner or business maintenance:
- Does the remote work as expected?
- Does the garage door open and close correctly?
- With the garage lights off, check the seams around the garage door. If you can see the light, replace the weather stripping.
- Also, check the bottom of the door for light. If you can see the light, order a new threshold.
- Look for fraying cables, rust on the hinges or other parts and check for debris in the roller tracks that might impede the operation of the electronic eye that prevents the door from closing on your car, children or pets.
These are simple but crucial checks that could save injury or safe operations. You can place an old cushion, box or roll of paper towels under the garage door to test the reverse mechanism. If it’s not working correctly, call HABPRO immediately.
Please leave the garage door closed until a professional comes to check. The reverse mechanism is an essential safety feature that should never be bypassed or restricted for any reason.
The HABPRO 15-Point Inspection
HABPRO provides clients with a 15-point inspection to ensure everything about your garage door and garage door opener are working properly. This inspection comes with every repair or installation.
However, we’re only a phone call 770-985-3355 or online contact away.