You push a button and it goes up, you push a button and it goes down. Your garage door is the largest appliance in your home, yet you probably do not give it much thought unless it is not working properly. True? Well, understanding how your garage door functions is important in knowing when your garage door needs professional attention in order to keep it working properly and to keep your family safe.
All appliances need to be adjusted and regularly maintained in order to function correctly. Your garage door system includes the following:
- Springs, cables, and hardware attached to the springs. All of these are under extremely high tension in order to ensure that the garage door lifts and closes at the proper speed. When the automatic button is pushed to lift or lower your garage door, these springs, cables, and hardware adjust to the opening and closing movements. Automatic garage doors are supplied with energy through the electrical circuit in your home. When the power goes out, your automatic garage door will not work with the push of a button. It must be disengaged from the automatic system and opened and closed manually.
- The door. The garage door itself is typically made up of multiple panels. These panels fold and straighten as the door is lifted and lowered. The garage door weighs hundreds of pounds, and it can be a dangerous, even deadly, object when not used or maintained properly.
- The track. Alongside your garage door opening are tracks where runners move to allow the door to open and close. It is important to keep these tracks free of debris so that the runners do not jam or become stuck.
Simple, monthly checks to your garage door can extend the life of your door and the safety of your appliance. While it is important to look around your garage door for any signs of concern and to clean the track of the rollers, it is always a good idea to have your garage door inspected annually to ensure that it continues to work properly and effectively.
Never take your garage door system for granted. Remember that your garage door can be a dangerous appliance. It is not a toy. Your garage door system is a complicated appliance that needs regular maintenance. Contact HABPRO Garage Doors to learn more, to schedule a maintenance inspection, to replace your garage door, or with any of your other garage door needs.